"Be strong now,because things will get better.
It might be raining now,but it can't rain forever."
(If only.)
Sick child in bed,on going fever. I'm feeling absolutely lethargic.
Will be meeting Tongzie (finally) for dinner at Chomps today with Joey,ZZ&Meimei.
Just then I realised,that growing up is really tiring. Exhausting,in fact.
When you're older,there are so many more things to think of,to worry for,
to stress over and get pressurised. Its ironic that when we were younger,we wished to grow up,
like desperately,but now that we are,we'd beg to be younger again.
People come and go,then we realise that no one is permanent in our lives,
only memories are. Because as the world changes,so do people,only memories stay the same.
I keep photos of you and me,knowing that thats the closest I'll ever be,with you again.
I miss the way we used to be and I hate how far apart we've grown. I.Miss.Us. too much.
"The biggest mistake is to drift from someone,
whom you once had the time of your life with."
I'd like to show how great artists my darling girls are,with their art.
Birthday cards and presents from my Babies. Thank you sweethearts. (L)
(I know its a little overdue,but ah well better late then never. (: )
Finally,from Zebrina Kelliwu.
Stuck between my fantasy and what is real.
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