Was this how it was suppose to be? I wonder.
Firstly,Happy Chinese Birthday to Hazel Tan Meirenyao&also Brendan's English birthday.
Have a great day ahead&may this be a day of dreams and wishes come true. (:
Hope you both had a great birthday!
Alright its official,body system has finally given up and shut down.
I'm officially,sick. Great,fever and bodyaches. I'm aching all over,
to the extend of my toes feeling the ache too ): Mummy doesn't believe I'm feverish,
I need to find my thermometer but I can't find it,I need prove that I'm sick. Urgh,FML.
I'm feelng cold,covered in tons of layers of comforters. Its so colddd. ):
So,headed over to beeps place for BBQ today and its also Hazel's chinese 20th! (:
The bbq was fun,oh indeed tons of jokes. Especially,Zeezee wang. OH MY GOD.
Well,overall I had a great time with them,Aunty Tan seems very happy today!
Uploading photos and I'm heading to bed,I feel so lethargic.
Goodnight dearies,sleep well sleep tight. Hopefully I'll get through tonight. (S)
"Its crazy right? To love someone who hurt you.
Its crazier to think that someone who hurt you still loves you."
Many a times,people tend to feel this way. &Realising,
"Who cares? I'm already crazy as it is."
It’s amazing how someone can break your heart,
but you can keep loving them with every broken bit.
Just because you love the person,nothing else pretty much matters to you.
Ahh,the thinking too much disease is back,have.to.learn.to.control.
I don't know why,but hell. I miss you,so much.
have my hearts! this blog is lovely. :) xxx
Hey Dear,thank you(:
Could it be possible to be in love with someone who doesn't care if you exist? Is it hard to erase his memory from your mind? Why me? Why him? Why can't destiny just move forward?
HAHA aunty tan very happy!
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