Monday, April 5, 2010

Listen to the wind between the trees,

Watch the stars shine for you and me.

&To be honest,a make-be-lieve world seems so much better to be in.

Fever&Body aches haven't left my side,instead Mr Flu has joined in the fun too.
Its killing me inside,I feel like dying apparently,its that bad. Fuck my life.
I am very unhappy,miserably,in so much pain and fucking agony.
Face it,I know I haven't let go of you. At times,images of us flash by.
I can't let go of them,I can't find the will. Cause its those moments that pull me back.
I miss doing everything with you&having you in everything I do.
I have feelings of you,not doing good. Not doing well,not being very happy.
I have the very urge,to talk to you,ask you whats going on&be there for you.
To ask you "is everything alright?" Try to do something,that will make you happier.
But I don't have the rights anymore,&perhaps its not me that you need.
But,in fact,seeing you unhappy,feeling upset,in pain. Hurts me too.
I feel the pain,when you're going through,I feel the hurt as much as you do.
Useless,could be the word to use on me now.
Tell me about life,sunshine after the rain?
Then why is it still raining? )':


Muse Monster said...

ahh your blog is breath-taking! :)

Maddie(: said...

I love that song(: I know that was random, but I like your blog.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, my friend and believe that life will gt better. If not, things will really suck. I understand your pain, though I won't say I know how you feel. I've been through similar experience. My pain may have been different than yours but I know how it is to hurt and to stop believing. It's raining in your world. The wind is blowing hard. You are a gentle reed bending and swaying with the weather. You will rise and you will love again... Take care.

Rachael Pong said...

Delmis - Hello Sweet,thank you! But its nothing much,really. (:

Maddie - Thank you Maddie that you like my blog. You have a great blog too. (:

Rachael Pong said...

Irene - Hopefully it will stop raining soon. (;