I'm still stuck at uploading those photos! So many more to go,gosh. =/
Ballet at 11 tomorrow and I'm still awake darn it,I should sleep now.
But wait,I can't. Thats the reason why I'm still up. Oh God.
Maundy Thursday just passed&its Good Friday today! Ikea meatballs laterrr.
Hmm,today hasn't been a very good day&Itunes just had to fuck my day up more,
everything in my itunes have disappeared. FUCK MY LIFE. -.-
Screw you itunes,screw you. Damnit. I'm hungry,very hungry.
I need to learn to stop thinking so much,I'm getting massive headaches doing so.
Dreams are lies,they don't come true. Self Denial,not very much of a good idea too.
So what? I'm confused. Gone.
Goodnight all,I guess there's nothing much to do or say. Sleep well everyone.
I don't think I will.
Happy,is so out of my league. I am very unhappy ): Why?
Hello there!
Don't think of me being idealist but, don't give up! No matter how long ur night may be, One day, the sun shall rise again ^^
I stumbled onto your blog today. The photos are great and I like the music too.
I also read some of your thoughts and I hope you don't allow things to get you down. You're young, beautiful, and by the looks of your blog, you have a real touch for creative beauty.
Bad things will happen, but you will have many joys too, even though they may not be what you expected! Life isn't perfect, but I promise parts of it will be great!
Keep on writing, and PLEASE keep on dreamimg!
Aurion - Yeah,hopefully though. (: Thanks anyway!
Anon - Hey there,thank you for your compliments! But my blog is far from creative beauty haha,thank you also for your encouraging words(: Yeap! I'll be writing definately and of course,I am still dreaming (:
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