Happy 18th Birthday,Joey. Hope you had the time of your life and hope this was a memorable day for you. (L)
Its 1:48 am right now,I've just finished uploading all of Joey's 18th birthday photos.
But the rest of the photos will be on fb,Joey would be uploading them.
Alright,so Friday morning I headed to Beeps place to help her and Troy with their phones,
left during the late evening to meet Joey and head down to Pasir Ris Coasta Sands.
Due to some misunderstanding of terms and conditions,I got a Nebo card. Thanks Joey (:
So only the few of us were there on the first night&we caught "Alien Resurrection"
Gross maximum,totally disgusting. Next day,ZZ came in the morning&all of us headed to www.
But,it had to rain heavily and they had to close the rides. Headed back to swim then bathed.
Uncle Troy helped to start the fire and we had food to eat! The rest of them came in the evening.
Jobaby,Clay,Jess&I headed home around 11. &Joey,thank you for the long talk last night.
Guess my "appear to be stonning" face doesn't apply to you,it was just a rush of memories.
&also to Big D for the talk early this morning.
Okay,so I missed church today. &Unintendedly missed ballet. Damnit.
Mummy was being a huge sweetheart today,I guess that she truely has her nice side too.
So,I shall head to bed now. Too much to think about and I'm really tired.
Goodnight/morning sweethearts,sleep well. I hope,no more nightmares.
&To V,I know whatever I did was wrong. You have all the rights to hate me.I don't expect you to forgive me or whatsoever,I would just like to tell you I'm sorry. I apologise,for saying things I shouldn't.But I did that,all because I was concerned. It may not seem to you that way,but then so be it. Whatever the case,I'm just going to apologise for my wrongs. I'm sorry.Day 1,
Birthday Girl.

Day 2,

So please tell me darling,why you're so far away when I need you beside me tonight.Just when I needed you,but I know I shouldn't be anymore. But somethings I just can't control. &I'm losing myself,entirely.