Alot of things ran through my mind today
More than half of it,consisted of you.
Had a lovely though very sleepy day today,
Jobaby's house in the morning to do her hair for her,
FEP later on to do her hair also,met up with Big D!
And also,the long lost Houster Phua. (:
Came home early as usual,but damn it I'm damn sleepy now alr.
So well,love all. Goodnight.
If only,but those were just dreams,
Half the time they don't come true,do they?
I really really dislike the way life is for me now,really.
I'm losing myself,bit by bit.
long lost houster phuaaaa!
i love her nonsenses!
thats so cool manz! :x
Cause I know she wanna catch a movie and guys lets go for some chilling! :D Mega coolxz yo. \m/
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