God i pray that,you'll give the one i love all the happiness she deserves,
&all the love she is suppose to recieve,cause i know,she deserves all this,
that i can't give anymore.
I think i should know how to keep my distance,
Sorry if i affected anyone,guess its just time.
By knowing when and how to,thats when i love you.
Today was an Awesome day,until...-.-
Bb made me spent 8 bucks.
Headed out to meet SST at city hall station,
today this ass was late,SLOW POKE. :P
Okay anyway for the very first time in history,
so its alright,i waited for her.(:
i'm like damn nice right? ahaahahhaha.
Who ask her,say i'm always late. =x
Walked around with her for awhile at marina,
then headed to Funan for her job briefing,
Have fun working tomorrow! :D
After that,accompanied her to novena square to meet ziling,
i walked around myself,waited for BB to end show.
Met up with BB and Keon at PS,
Cine after,and hp again,brought friend to get eyebrow done.
slacked for a long time at cine,OHHHH!
i have unglam pictures of someone,HAHA.
i am damn evil,yes. LOL
Anyway,took the last Mrt home,
all thanks to BB's suggestion. LOL
BB: eh take the last train home k? :D
paused for awhile,
ME: Okay loh,on ah! :D
this is so retarded.
&thanks for accompanying me back today,
and for the listening ears,appreciated (:
Okay back home now,sleeping soon i guess?
Dead tired. Goodnight all,sleep tight.
Bearbear with me again tonight. (:

Photos for today,i'm lazy to upload the rest,a few will do. (:
I will be here still though,
for anything and everything,maybe you might not need me again soon,
but i'll still be there.
And once again,for the one i love,
all the happiness she deserves,
and all the love she suppose to get. (:
Do it for me,the one for her
cause i can't do it no more.=/
Maybe you just don't love me no more..
Heaven knows i tried my best,
why don't you love me,the way i loved you? =/
Rachael will be okay,she will (:
dont be too nice to that her.. caused she will leave in guilt for whatever things that she'd did.
be a strong girl, and dont feign a smile.
if you're sad, just cry your lungs out.
if you're happy, just laugh your heart outs.
cause i can only be a companion or just listening ear. there'll be definately who able to take your pain away and give you the happines tht you'd prayed for the her as well.
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