Slowly,i'll see you getting back to your own feet
Standing straight up again.(:
Today is the 20th of May,
Wednesday,mother tongue intensive programme.
But i'm not in school! :D heeees.
Alrights,the contractors are back again,dad says the colour combination is nice!
All thanks to me,i think i rock so much,HAHA.
My ambition of turning the entire kitchen into a metalic black classy kitchen!YES :D
Okay correction,i just saw the kitchen and its Classic Grey,no metalic black. =/
I'm waiting for BB tan to wake up so that i can get out soon,
waiting and still waiting,i bet she slept only this morning-.-
BB you better wake up fast,i mean fast!
I need to get presents again today,present shopping and i'm running out of cash! :(
Sian half,okay anyways tomorrow there's school again and friday too,
i want the Junes to come fast,OH CRAP,i forgot all about art-.- Cheesepie.
I have to start sketching my final design soon,or i know i'm gonna get it.
First week of June gonna be a gone case again,all thanks to art
I can't wait for the second and third! (: i think fourth is gone too?
Darn,Chinese o's is around the corner and i'm so not worried
Something is very wrong with me,LAZY BUG.
Okay,I is going find food to eat,i hungry ready rohs,bb you sleep until damn shiok right.
Okay just reached home,
and there is like school tomorrow! :(
Finally got the present,so i now i'm left with one more,
and i just realised,i will need another soon..LOL
Went to cine to have 3 cup chicken with bb,
and then Met bb's friend for awhile,
Waited for some slow one to reach cine,
then brought them to hp to get their lip done,
Looks awesome though,haha and bb and i so rock! :D
Hp body decor Loyal SUPPORTERS! :D hahahah.
alright its late,heading to bed soon,nightsie.
To all my loved ones,sleep tight. (:
I wanted you to be there when i fall,
i wanted you to see me through it all,
But for now,
i'll be there when you fall,
to get you right back up.
&i will see you through it all. (:
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