Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friends Affirm my life right now,
Wassup all.
Okay i'm like back to update now,
today is like an awesome day again! HAHA.
Ballet was like crazy today,jumps and all
i almost dropped dead.Cai lao shi you best.
AND ADINA ANG! you never come today rohs,
somemore tell me you coming?! cheesepie you.
Sunshine came to pick me up again today! heeees,
i love that little one.
Back home,and let the two monsters kill my sims,
these two little muderers! Happily kill the families.
Okay so tomorrow's like Chinese O's? Argh plus plus,art. :(
So good luck to all of us,Adeline too! (:
"Chargeeeeeeeeeeee!" Adeline said to me on message. LOL
And i can't see her for the whole of next week?!
Sad to the maximun alr luh hor. *pouts.
I know my bb miss me too,HAHAHAHAHA! :D
Okay she just told me she meeting me for dinner tomorrow!
heeeeeeez,yes lah i is damn happy now. :D
okay,goodbye for now.
I is going to read chinese tuition notes,
and win the chinese war tomorrow, BYEBYE.
Wah fuck i hungry :(
Friends affirm life,
cause now i know,its just enough to have them around.
IJust don't feel like pretending no more. =/
I suddenly feel i've had enough,
Because i'm really really tired now.
Friday, May 29, 2009
After the rain comes a clear blue sky,
Yay,i'm meeting bb today
and we're gonna have 3 cup chicken for dinner! :D
i miss my bb tan,I hugged bb to sleep last night,
squeeze,yes BB tan crashed at my place last night. :DDD
Okay i will be back,tonight. (:
Mannn,tomorrow got chinese tuition! :(
I miss my sunshine,and he's coming back on Sunday! :D
Alright back from town,went to cine for dinner with bb.
walked around aimlessly for HOURS.
Saw Ari conincidentally HAHA,i got secret with Sam k! not telling you.
hahahahaa,too badddd. :D
and omg,
the last important thing,BB made me laugh like some mad person today,
OMFG,i laughed from The traffic light,all the way to PS.
"Sorry princess,sorry princess,princesssss....!"
"As if you could out run me! :P "
"look at my fangs! :F "
hahahahaha,Omg bb is fucking retarded. TO THE MAXIMUM OKAY.
Alright i'm going off now,I going to threesome with BB and shane,plus myself.
Give me endless summer,Lord i feel the cold.
So what is it now?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So tell me where do broken hearts go,

ZHOUZHOU! :D We peace out.*smiles wideeee.
Alright officially,swine is in singapore
first case,heard from bb. :(
School was fucking slack to the max today!
Omg i likeeeeeeee,hahahaha.
Like funny right Mama? ahaha,with Kelliwu and patty,
Yenton: Simi?!
Me: Ran(pronounce Ran in english,running past tense.) Jiao.
I so slanged another word,HAHAHA.
Okay,laughing out bursts.
Yenton you're seriously damn entertaining can,my god.haha.
And so is this girl,she uhhh kinda let us see something we shouldn't be?-.-
Damn obscene,can you please sit properly next time? LOL.
Wah i think my eyes,Sore alr. HAHA.
Teacher: Wo mei tian mai kafei dao 3.30,and wo 3.30 cai shui jiao.
HAHAHAH WTF classis this one. LOL
I maybe younger than you,but at least i think older than you
Whats seriously going on inside your head?Can you even think properly?
Or is it like a wee person.
Like a person become a wee! haha.
Omg funny show watched with BB on tv today,
laughed like mad. Alrighties,i'm gonna be a good good girl,
and i'm going school tomorrow,weird but i kinda wanna go tomorrow.
Okay nightie nights. (:
Sleep well,loved ones.
Where do broken hearts go?
Will they ever find their way home?
I think mine will,and its on its way home alr,
Is it? =/
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
i think God can explain,
Suddenly today i feel contented with what i have,
though its not what i want,but well more than good enough.
Today i've realised something very important,
that i'm like super stupid all the while,i think some knows why.
But anyway,i am like damn stupid okay,damn stupid.
I'm sorry for being an idiot okay,even though you said you're not mad at me,
but i still wanna apologise for being an idiot, :(
Okay Art is being a fucked up thing tonight,
ART GIRLS,lets do this okay,all the way.
Final episode,and get over and done with,sucks
but i know we'll all get through it (:
Well,tonight is gonna be super stressed up,
so good luck to me and all who are too.
I'll be back tomorrow in school,wish things would get better at home,
Babies will be all back tomorrow, (:
its been a long time since i saw school,LOL.
alrighties,i'm going off now,so goodnight loves,
Sleep well,and tomorrow is a happier day. (:
Am i just starting to stand strong now?
But how come it feels i might just fall all over again? =/
God shall answer what i prayed for right? (:
I know he will.
I'm sorry,
Sorry for being such an idiot,
Sorry for being so stupid,
Sorry for not being a good friend,
Sorry i've made you so upset,
Sorry that its all my fault,
I'm really very sorry,i know maybe you won't forgive me,
but i'm really truely sorry,I don't know what i can do now,
to change anything,but i know,i did something wrong,
and i'm probably not worth to be your good friend anymore.
I'm sorry, :(
Looking back through the years,I can't believe how long
and how much we've gone through,through the good times and the bad.
When I needed someone to cry with me or someone to laugh together
Give me a shoulder to lean on,and a hug to make me feel better.
I know i'd always had you. Sorry BB :(

Please forgive me,because i know
i treasure this friendship,alot and more than you know.
I'm sorry that i've failed as your friend. ):
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tell me what is it,
i'd be afraid without you here to see me through.
Tell me what it is,
i want to know,how you're feeling right now,
what you're thinking about,and i want to know are you happy now?
So much to ponder about right now. =/
Only love i'll ever need,is you.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Half Alive,
Its time,
God i pray that,you'll give the one i love all the happiness she deserves,
&all the love she is suppose to recieve,cause i know,she deserves all this,
that i can't give anymore.
I think i should know how to keep my distance,
Sorry if i affected anyone,guess its just time.
By knowing when and how to,thats when i love you.
Today was an Awesome day,until...-.-
Bb made me spent 8 bucks.
Headed out to meet SST at city hall station,
today this ass was late,SLOW POKE. :P
Okay anyway for the very first time in history,
so its alright,i waited for her.(:
i'm like damn nice right? ahaahahhaha.
Who ask her,say i'm always late. =x
Walked around with her for awhile at marina,
then headed to Funan for her job briefing,
Have fun working tomorrow! :D
After that,accompanied her to novena square to meet ziling,
i walked around myself,waited for BB to end show.
Met up with BB and Keon at PS,
Cine after,and hp again,brought friend to get eyebrow done.
slacked for a long time at cine,OHHHH!
i have unglam pictures of someone,HAHA.
i am damn evil,yes. LOL
Anyway,took the last Mrt home,
all thanks to BB's suggestion. LOL
BB: eh take the last train home k? :D
paused for awhile,
ME: Okay loh,on ah! :D
this is so retarded.
&thanks for accompanying me back today,
and for the listening ears,appreciated (:
Okay back home now,sleeping soon i guess?
Dead tired. Goodnight all,sleep tight.
Bearbear with me again tonight. (:

Photos for today,i'm lazy to upload the rest,a few will do. (:
I will be here still though,
for anything and everything,maybe you might not need me again soon,
but i'll still be there.
And once again,for the one i love,
all the happiness she deserves,
and all the love she suppose to get. (:
Do it for me,the one for her
cause i can't do it no more.=/
Maybe you just don't love me no more..
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How come,back to square one?

To the maxxxxxx. -.-
After school had lunch with bb,melonie and Ry.
Dad came to pick me up again,cause i was too lazy to get home myself. =x
Send Melonie nearby,and Ry came home with me.
I napped awhile,then vicky came over and all,
went for mass and now home,
i had not much for dinner,but still dinner,anyway,this sucks.
I like tomorrow (: well,time for me to leave,goodnight loves.
Sleep well,better day tomorrow Rachael,better day tomorrow. (:
-Just because sometimes things just don't turn out the way you want them to.
and they just don't,no matter how hard you try.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Back on track,

Slowly,i'll see you getting back to your own feet
Standing straight up again.(:
Today is the 20th of May,
Wednesday,mother tongue intensive programme.
But i'm not in school! :D heeees.
Alrights,the contractors are back again,dad says the colour combination is nice!
All thanks to me,i think i rock so much,HAHA.
My ambition of turning the entire kitchen into a metalic black classy kitchen!YES :D
Okay correction,i just saw the kitchen and its Classic Grey,no metalic black. =/
I'm waiting for BB tan to wake up so that i can get out soon,
waiting and still waiting,i bet she slept only this morning-.-
BB you better wake up fast,i mean fast!
I need to get presents again today,present shopping and i'm running out of cash! :(
Sian half,okay anyways tomorrow there's school again and friday too,
i want the Junes to come fast,OH CRAP,i forgot all about art-.- Cheesepie.
I have to start sketching my final design soon,or i know i'm gonna get it.
First week of June gonna be a gone case again,all thanks to art
I can't wait for the second and third! (: i think fourth is gone too?
Darn,Chinese o's is around the corner and i'm so not worried
Something is very wrong with me,LAZY BUG.
Okay,I is going find food to eat,i hungry ready rohs,bb you sleep until damn shiok right.
Okay just reached home,
and there is like school tomorrow! :(
Finally got the present,so i now i'm left with one more,
and i just realised,i will need another soon..LOL
Went to cine to have 3 cup chicken with bb,
and then Met bb's friend for awhile,
Waited for some slow one to reach cine,
then brought them to hp to get their lip done,
Looks awesome though,haha and bb and i so rock! :D
Hp body decor Loyal SUPPORTERS! :D hahahah.
alright its late,heading to bed soon,nightsie.
To all my loved ones,sleep tight. (:
I wanted you to be there when i fall,
i wanted you to see me through it all,
But for now,
i'll be there when you fall,
to get you right back up.
&i will see you through it all. (:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Its just a matter of time,
Went over to BB's place in the evening,
had very little for dinner today! ):
i hungry now,siannn.
Met SST for awhile,and bused home.
I hope you're feeling all better k,
Supper real soon! :D
Tomorrow out again,i need to shop for presents.
goodnight all lovelies,byebye. (:
Here I am,

I'm here. (:
Last paper todayyy,
okay not that bad though,
was damn tired today! omg.
anyway headed out with BB today to vivo,
hell retarded,seriously LOL
okay tomorrow now school! YAY! :DDDDD
alright i got nothing to blog,so i shall end here.
Goodnight,loved ones. (:
Xoxo,Hugs and kisses.
I'm still here,and always here,for you.
Stay strong,love.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The very reason for my smile,

Feeling your heartbeat with mine.
Hello all,today is a FRIDAY! :D
TGIF yo! \m/
Alright it was chemistry paper today,
rather blank i guess my mind,was in a state of blankness.LOL
The paper is practically Empty so to speak,but it was like damn difficult!
after paper,headed to compass with Melonie,Ry and Tongtong.
Watched them eat breakfast cause i alr had mine.
Sat there for a bloody long time,then decided to take off,
HAHA tongtong,they very pretty uhh!Dancers Seh.
So roamed around for a little longer to accompany melonie,
then mrt-ied together with her and RY home.
Reached home,fell asleep.Drop dead tired.
Woke up around 5 plus,bathed and all,
waited for the contractors to leave,then off to BB's place.
Done with what she needed me to,and Maggie for dinner again.LOL
Went home around 1030,dental with the babies tomorrow again,
alright shall update till here,
someone made my entire day today,haha i think you know who you are.(:
Goodnight all lovelies,*hugs.
&the reason is you. (:
Friday, May 15, 2009
To Miss Lee Meiyan. (:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I've loved you for a long time,

&you know it,because i still am.
Somethings just never change do they?
No school today! :D
And i spent my day packing things,LOL
helped dad with the kitchen stuffs,the contractors came alr!
Packed my room too,With the help of bearbear, :D
who fought the messy room war with me.HEEHEE,
i'm so satisfied with it now,it looks awesome hahaha.
Okay maybe not awesome but it looks so much better now,yes! (:
i've uploaded the pictures on Lj,bloggers uploader not working today,damn.
Alright tomorrow is someone's birthday yo,SOMEONE.haha.
I don't think i'm getting anything for her, D: Don't kill me! lol
Great Physics tomorrow,have fun all!-.-
kayzxzxz i'm going to have my bath now,BYEBYE. (:
Alright,i just have something to add on inside,
HAHA,i'm making fun of someone,
Someone on cloud 9,10,11 right?
When i find my BABY okay?hahaaha (:
Then together! =x
Yes when i find my baby. LOL
How come suddenly i feel,i was being used all the time
Never there for what i need,and i do everything.
what if i said,you do it yourself?what would your reaction be?
You don't care how it hurts,or do you?
But I care,if it hurts you.
No i can't breathe,no i can't sleep
i'm barely hanging on.
I wanna hear it one more time,
Say it again for me,cause i love the way it feels
when you are telling me that i'm the only one who blows your mind.
Alright Geog and maths paper today,
practically sleeping day again haha.
After school went to have lunch with family,
then went to get a new stove,the contractors are coming tomorrow!
send grand home,then went to get my sleeve and my phone casing (:
Mummy is (L). Loveloveyou. Only for now i guess! hahahaa.
Spend quite a long time at PS today,
Daddy intro-ed me to this ice blended coffee thing,quite nice!
Just like the ones in macs and starbucks,just that without the whipped cream LOL.
Okay,so today was a fruitful day out,heeees.
And tomorrow there is NO SCHOOL!:D
Oh yes,something to laugh about haha.
"Today, I went to Ralph's to get bread and a snack. While paying, an 80 year old lady, in a walker, took my bag while I wasn't watching. That's right, I got jacked by an 80 year old in a walker. FML"
Damn i have to stay home and help with the clearing up of things in the kitchen! ):
Sorry Melanie dear,i can't accompany you for swimming tomorrow! ): ):
Kayzxz,i is going off now haha,my movie is calling me! :D
Oh yahhh,i damn agitated when i talk about swine flu,hahaha swine gang! HEEHEE.
Bet some knows about it! haa. (:
&SST Get well soon,hope you'll not have headaches anymore (:
much misses.
Monday, May 11, 2009
I'd still be praying,
i will be there time and time again.
When you need someone to love you,here i am.
Awesome Weekend,
You will learn to be happy.I'm contented and i am happy (:
Weekend was awesome,and well spent! :D
Saturday,9th May 2009.
Afternoon headed to Vivo to meet up with Jomama,
Sorry Wifey,i couldn't stay longer for your birthday! ):
Make it up to you soon alrights! (:
Mrt-ied down to Ps,to meet up with dad,
then went down to SUNNY SPRING! :D
Back to cousins old condo,for Mothers Day dinner,
Swimming with my cousins,was HAHA funny.
I made them go round in the pool finding for my black string,
haha,and we end up sitting at the corner of one pool,laughing away.
The house was really small compared to when we were "Fun size"
as said by Vivian,LOL
so Had curry with bread and pizza for DINNER.
Plusplus,Lays sour cream onion.
So accompanied the Kids out to play at the play ground,
like fun only right?hahaha,wth with the weird games we play.
Alright,thats about all for Sat.
Sunday,10th May 2009.
Morning church,
didn't go for ballet,cause it was raining super heavily.
Accompanied Mummy and Daddy to Novena Square,
Evening met up with BB for a Movie! :D
X-men Origins-Wolverine,ITS FUCKING AWESOME!
Haha,the ending of the movie was better right BB,
LOl but damn it only lasted awhile,In the dark,
somethings cannot see clearly.HAHAHA.
Went to Yanky Pankies for supper,
Damn there was alot last night,but yes BB and i had a great time.
HAHA,okay so i accompanied BB to take bus,
and i bused home.
Well thats about it,Bye loves! :D