"One of the hardest part of waking up in the morning,
is remembering what you have been trying so hard to forget the night before."
Finally home sweet home,after two days of mega fun.
PLAY after dance practice on thurs,crashed Cat's place for the night
the night was maximum of fun with the great company,
Just 1hour and 40 minutes ago was Peiyun's birthday! Happy Birthday! (:
Headed out to town in the early hours of the morning today,then I had to head back home.
Guess grounding sessions are officially here. FML and also to the man opposite my house.
Guess you can fucking continue to shine your laser over to my window,
and hope I'll walk over to watch you do your "THING" hoping I'll be so fascinated with you.
But come on,its been 3 fucking years its getting boring alright.
Mum shouted across my block,think he heard. He went in to hide. What a joke.
Practices are finally officially over for now,exams are coming soon I need to prepare myself.
Miss Ren's birthday this Wed,Hi all my ballerina's we were thinking of celebrating for her,
this wed if y'all can! Let me know when you've seen this! (:
I finally got my roots done! Cat's aunty did such an awesome job!
Today was pretty much awesome,guess I'm pretty much thankful for my bunch of wonderful girls.
I have to meet Dionne Clayson,Sonia Donahue&Roxanne wee soon soon soon! Also Angeline Yeh,Adeling Ng and Vivian Ng,lets go for a cousins outing before your hols end!
Alright back to normal routines tomorrow,might be getting my union jack done tomorrow yay me! :D
Goodnight lovelies,hope being happy comes along alot easier for everyone who isn't. (L)
What is this feeling I'm getting,I'm not too sure.
It feels weird,you get this weird feeling in your tummy and then you have a bad appetite.
Why do I even feel this way? I hate the way some things are going.
When sometimes in life,all you wanted was for someone who'd love you just as much as you love them.
Then again you just wished sometimes,being happy was so much easier.
&IF only,sadness was never an emotion. Guess we'd all be alot happier,wouldn't we?
But guess what,sometimes life is just full of bullshit cause of certain people around you.
hope's everything goes well with you.. ^ ^
hmmm... do u mind if i could have ur msn contact? wanna chat with u things.. mostly bout ballet..i am trying to look for someone who can be my replacement teacher to replace my classes in case if i got emergency have to take leave or MC. hope you dont mind if i ask u for ur msn..
mei san
HI! Everything has been fine for me,hope everythings good for you too! (: Yeap sure! add me up on facebook?
okay. Thanks. ^ ^
i added already, name on fb is christine wong. ^ ^
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