Forget the times he walked by, forget the times he made you cry.
Forget the times he spoke your name, remember now you’re not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand, forget the sweet things if you can.
Forget the times and don’t pretend; remember now he’s just your friend
If you want the rainbow, you've gotta put up with the rain.
Finally got my Jack Union done at NailzTreats today! (: Imma happy girl for now,
So much for saying I'm grounded,mum forgot all about it the very next day. lol?
Hk Cafe for dinner and the usuals came over for tiny tiles session. Left 30 minutes ago.
I'm finally meeting my Roxy Baby tomorrow! I'm so excited,its been months since I last saw her.
Now I'm contemplating about my D.Marts,I've been wanting my Topshop boots but its gone!
So should I get the D.Marts? =/ Oh well,shall see tomorrow! Alright I'm heading to bed,
Down to the docs about my xray scans in the morning tomorrow,goodnight all!
"Seeing people change isn’t what hurts us ; what hurts is remembering who they used to be."
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