Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Have faith,

The best Baby,one could ever ask for ♥

Seems like today,isn't a very happy day for a few.
But it was one of the best days I've had in the last many months before.
Headed out with Baby today! Accompanied her to get her pretty gel nails done,
off to Dhoby suppose to catch TS 3 with her again,but failed. So we had dinner,
over to Cine for our first photo print stickers with her,now I can't take my eyes of them.
They look so pretty,for some reason or another. (:
Alright so she went home later on and I went to meet the usuals for singing,
headed home at 230 and Imma bout to sleep,fetching cuz from school tomorrow at 1!
Goodnight sweethearts&to all those who are trying to sleep with a heavy heart,sleep well.
When in despair,have faith. "Enjoy the pain and just dance in the rain." (L)

Now we start to realise,what we really need in our lives.
Who said,no one was afraid of losing the ones they love?
Everyone tends to be afraid,scared and in despair.
Life isn't fair,cause the world never was. That is a fact we can't change.
It hurts,kills you inside out. stabs your heart over and over again.
What you have to do is,get a grip of yourself and stand right back up.
Move on and life still carries on. Its never easy and no one said it was.
But neither did we know,it was this difficult.
Sometimes,we'll just have to live with the pain in order to know,whats it like to feel hurt.
To realise,how fragile someones heart might be,as fragile as yours. To feel human,
to feel human enough to hurt and be in pain.
"&Yes I'd rather hurt,than feel nothing at all."

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