Finally met up my old school sweethearts today,
so much catching up done! Sadly I left my camera with Cat,so I had to use theirs.
Will upload photos once I get all of em' over. Ice Edge Cafe today for dinner/desert.
Their waffle Ice-cream is \m/ makes me so hungry now.
Sitting down in the cafe,catching up with my two longest time sweet hearts.
I must say I'm very glad we're still hanging out,its been more than a decade we know each other.
Its heart warming to see each other growing up,then looking back at how silly our games were,
how we had so much fun when we were younger.
Our letters,having sleepovers,slumber parties we dream of but never happened.
Still,it felt so warm in the heart. How we used to do the silliest things,
anyone would ever dream of.
Wishing we'd all grow up living together,wished that our dream job would be a vet,
all those little big dreams we used to talk about. Looks like we're all growing up pretty fast.
Somehow,sitting there and talking about everything under the sun hit me.
That I somehow,I wished you'd still be the topic I'd talk about to all my friends.
The topic I'd go a little crazy over,then get a sweet warm feeling inside.
Well,at least I had the chance to feel this way once. It aches a little every now and then,
but I'm pretty sure it aches a lot lesser now.
I'm often questioned,"Do you miss those times?" "Well,why not? It was sweet for once wasn't it?"
Its that feeling,that you can never really forget,that very feeling you can never really get rid of.
But it makes me smile when I remember,memories you call it.
Well oh well,time sure flies. It will be the 5th soon. Goodnight world,tonight feels so cold.

&This is how we are,11 years and still counting.
Love you both my pre-united sisters club,beans club and Doggie club girls to bits. (L)
Just sometimes,I'm so sick and tired,
of all those non-existent bullshit my mind makes up.
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