I wanna have a collection of boots like this!
its 1:37 am now,will be heading to bed right after this post.
Sitting by my laptop,thinking why would everything turn out this way.
What are the certain thoughts that goes through ones mind,why are certain people just full of bullshit.
You never know who is ever real,this is the real world. You won't ever know who's behind you,
and who's not. I'm sick and tired of having to do things that never get appreciated,
I should just leave and then maybe one day,people tend to realise my absense or rather not?
Maybe its time,I start crossing out people I don't need in my life.
Since they never did need me in theirs. Friends for benefits. I see that clearly now.
I see what they call,"The ugly truth" now.
Goodnight sweet hearts,hopefully it will stop raining for all those who are going through rainy days like mine (L)
You don't know what you want,you crash things that stood by you,
for whatever and whenever.
You do realise,they are slipping out of your grip do you?
Maybe you don't cause you're just to
caught up in the little world of yours.
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