11 years,more than a decade I've spent with her. The one who made me who I am today,
the very person that pushed me to come this far.
It has been an emotional evening for all my ballerinas and I,including laoshi.
&Somehow it broke my heart to watch laoshi tearing,
and it broke my heart further to see her tear while hugging me. Later on saying, "不哭,不哭"
This moment felt like it passed so fast and the next moment,she was already at the checkpoint.
I wished,I could freeze time but then,all that was left was to watch her walk in and leave.
I will remember her,for everything she taught and how I first started out.
Remembering myself stepping into class for the very first time,not realising why I was even in there.
Only knowing I was there cause of fun,to play and the company I had with.
I was told to fly,feel like I was a little butterfly. Descriptions she used,pretty amazing I suppose.
Later on,during one of the lessons she told us a story about a lion and his mouth.
The shape of our hands are suppose to look like a lions a mouth.

Years down the road,I recieved many of her scoldings,naggings and critics.
Pushed to be a good dancer,she had the hope in me. But yet I was kind of a disappointment,
I didn't push myself harder,I gave up at slightest difficulties. I was just too young to understand anything.
Now that I'm old enough,she has to leave and to only understand now all she did that brought me this far.
Those unbearable scoldings at times,words that made me feel so much that maybe I couldn't do this.
Now that she's no longer going to be in class to scold and point out our mistakes,
I miss the fact that she's no longer going to be able to do this for us ever again.

No longer having her to tell me,to work hard not to be lazy.
The very year she gave me the role for the solo,I felt pushed.
But that was only then,I know I did try hard enough and put in the most effort.
My first ballet shoes,my first leotards,first performances,first bar work,
first center work. First time I realise,ballet isn't what it seems,all those pretty tutu's
pretty shoes and how easy it looks on television screens,first time she taught me,
what ballet really was. &She,was my first ever most wonderful teacher I've had.
No one could ever take her place,she would never be replaced.

I'd like to thank her,for all these 11 years. Teaching me how its like to be a dancer,
its not an easy road ahead,but I'll bear with it. I'll put in extra effort this time round,
make it through this years exam and put up a good performance at the end of the year.
Thank you for being the most wonderful teacher I've ever had,for bearing with our nonsense
for always forgetting our steps after a months holiday and be patient to teach all over again.
I know my attitude hasn't been good years back,if only time hadn't move on so fast,
I wished I could start from the begining again,to go through everything again.
I'd promise to make a better effort the second time round,I miss you 老师 )':
But time has passed,right now tomorrow's full run, soon to come examinations
&End of years performance,will be my goals.

&For the very last time I'd like to say this,谢谢蔡老师,蔡老师再见.
I love you,thank you for everything.
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