I've practice this for hours,gone round and round.
And now I think I've got it all down and as I sing it louder,love how it sounds.
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out,I'm wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why.
Today is the fourth day of rehearsals and I'm already so tired! But I feel so refreshed after a bath,
Rehearsals are making me work out more,come home for a bath and my bed calls for me. (:
Finally met up with Joey today,for awhile. Zz&Joey came to pick me up after my first lessons,
off to meet Big D after and new love came like,SO MUCH LATER. lol alright. Tomorrow's DVD's!
Full run's on Thursday,sleeping beauty is only half done also Carmen. &my knee isn't being very nice to me.
Everyday's like a routine for now,met Cookie boy just the other day when I had a sleepover at Cat's place.
That naughty boy is so much bigger now,all growing up. Remembered when I first brought him home,
I cried,not knowing if I was doing the right thing. My first night with him,first morning runs.
First time he gave his paw,how he hides Daddy's socks. Bite on my shoes,his non stop 24/7 hits.
His first visit to the vet and all those car rides driving him mad cause he's easily car sick.
How he never fails to irritate me day after day,then melt my heart back at once with his "broken" head.
Puppy eyes? Always the number one heart melter. Today is a thoughtful day,
sudden flash backs,sudden memories flash by. I miss how good things used to be,
how I never had to think so much,how I never felt so miserble in my entire 18 years.
How being happy,was the simplest thing to do. Sadness was when mummy and daddy got mad at you.
When heartbreaks were never in your catagory&the hardest choice to make was which crayon to pick.
When you never needed someone so much in your life,but now? Everything just weighs so much more.
Time to stop thinking then,goodnight world. I'm so tired.
"We get hurt alot with people who promised to love us,but left us hanging.
and sometimes,no matter how much you love someone. You'll just find yourself saying :
I love you,but I'm just so damn tired."
&we'll know in time,that we'll find this was no surprise.
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