1st January 2011! Hello sweethearts,its the first of 2011 today,&I'd like to wish everyone here
a happy new year and also definately happy 84th Birthday Grand! I love you and all your good
food! (L)
Thoughts for the coming year,are filled in right now.
It always starts off as," I wish..... I wish..... and more of I wish..."
But I'm gonna start it with "It will." So this year,
It will be AWESOME,like how the end of my 2010 was.
It will be filled with laughters with all my sweethearts.
It will be NOISE POLLUTED,since my bby is back in sg. (HAHAHA KIDDING K)
It will be filled with LOVE. To all my babies. (L)
It will be a less heartbreaking year than it was compared to 2010.
It will be a whole for everyone and all my babies will come in pairs this year. (:
It will be a year for everyone's dreams and wishes to come true.
It will be the year everyone wished to live over&over again.
Alright,so last night was a good one. Stayed over at Boyf's the night before,went home after
and got changed,then back to Boyf's house for dinz with his family. Dinz was really good again
as usual&later on Nick gave us a ride to Harbour front and we took a train down to CQ to meet
the rest up at Shira for the rest of the night. Belly dancing restaurant,you can call it. Really
awesome,like how Jobaby stated in her blog the other time she went during Christmas eve.
Spent the wonderful last of 2010 with Boyf,Jobaby,Joey,Wangzx,Jess,Nanny Lee and also Jess's
friend called Matthew? If I hadn't remembered wrongly. Music and ambiance was good,
alongside with the countdown part people at CQ. We ended the night with a good supper at
Newtons while the rest headed of for the respective activities they had. &I have to mention,
JOEY STOP DRINKING SO MUCH. HAHA okay,so newton-ed with Jobaby,Jess,Boyf and friend
cockles,clams,stingray for supper. Starving much,which reminded me. I have yet to eat my lunch
Okay I really have to go grab something to eat after I end off. So Baby came over to spend the
night&we caught "Rapunzel" again! HAHA but fell asleep half way,totally failed. &He's off to
work now,well I shall go cook some noods now. Love you guys,have a great year ahead! (L)

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