Sunday, January 9, 2011

New fringe,

So lately I had an obsession with my fringe cause I finally got it chopped off! &Then it was a late
boring night with nothing to do,so I decided to show some love for my fringe.
So it was really boring that night,until today. Its still boring,boyf went to work and it just ended.
&I have to be holy moly and get my ass up to church tomorrow. Totally suck ballzx. Monday
mum says she's getting her hair done again,which means she's hinting me if I wanna re-colour
my hair again. I get the hint,but should I? I'm still unsure of which colour to get next! Dayyumm,
I hate sundays. ): Goodnight. X

Note to self :
I want to go Ikea soon! Who wants to go!?
&also get my camera fixed. ASAP.

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