Thinking bout us,thinking bout me,thinking bout you
and how we're gonna be. Because you make me believe in myself,
when nobody else could help. You're everything I need to survive.
Tonight seems very cold,the sky looks red and appears to be a sign that its going to rain.
I can't fall asleep,which totally sucks. But! I found an alternative by downloading songs,
and my tummy is still growling after having so much for supper and also dinner.
Astons today for dinz with the girls and Boyf,should have stopped by NEX to get a pack of
sashimi before heading home. Jobaby is leaving town in 21 hours? which means one week
of nothing from her. Our Banana queen is leaving town till next year in a weeks time,which
spells P.E.A.C.E,PEACE! haha kidding okay bby. As long as you don't everyday radio spoil,
its good. (L) oh well. Its 2:46 and Boyf is still stuck outside,sigh. Maybe I should just watch
a movie to pass time. That reminds me,I need to go search for movies to watch.
December,please be good to my babies and I know you'll be good to me. Since Aug till now,
alls well. &Now I remember,its back to work on Monday which is less than 21 hours time.
Urgh,what a dread. I can't seem to fall asleep,why? Great 10 mins till 3 AM in the fuckin
morning. Ahh kk. I'm gonna find something to do. Before I start rotting in front of the laptop.
Goodnight guys,hope y'all are sleeping well.
We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.
It's written in the stars that shine above,a world where you and I belong,
where faith and love will keep us strong,exactly who we are is just enough,
exactly who we are is just enough,there's a place for us.
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