Just go fuck yourself. You should just fucking go to hell.
You do realise,you don't actually have the rights to think that way do you?
Who are you to think that way in fact. But in anyway,just to let you know,
you feel that way? So do I. The feeling is fucking mutual.
&you don't have to play pretend or continue you little act anymore.
You little fucking lie has been exposed. Everyone was so fucking right,you fucking deserved it.
&To whosoever,
Haha! Don't act as if your english is oh-so-powerful,like as if you're full of vocab&big words.
For that matter,you probably don't even know the meaning of half the words you use.
What a joke. &get your own originality,you need some.
And to think you made it to a higher level of studying. I am impressed.
You are just making a fucking fool out of yourself,if you ever wondered.
&If it makes you feel any better,you can might as well ask her to throw away everything.
Since its such an eyesore to you,(so are you to me) ..l..
Can finally get rid of huh? You are pathethic.
Both of you are just fucking full of bullshit.
&Quoted " Feel free to feel guilty (:" if you think it you,its you.
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