Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ain't giving up on love,

So I've been really busy with my Baby boy,Cookie.
Brought him to the vet yesterday,he was such a goodboy I must say.
&I'm glad to say that Cookie is a healthy boy! Just that he has puppy rashes,
he's gonna get a bath on Friday with his rash shampoo.
I think Cookie loves the Vet now,he didn't want to leave when we had to! Silly boy.
Alright Mizuki is coming over now,hopefully Cookie and Mizuki can be friends!
That boy is sleeping now,he must have been so tired. Playing the whole entire afternoon,
with Joey,Yuwen and Jacqueline. Next week is Cookie's first Vaccination!

&This is specially for my favourite beeestch Mandy!
Beeeestcchhhh! I also wanna thank you for all the advices you gave on Cookie,
and it seems like Cookie and Dusty are of the same breed! Both Mongrels. (:
Cookie boy here is a German Shepherd mixed Labrador retriever!
Okay Mizuki has arrived! So I'll update later!

&also btw,

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