Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What you call,exhausted.

Hi all,meet Baby Cookie (:

Today was hectic, and most of all,exhausting.
woke up really early today,Joey came over later on at 1130.
Had lunch,waited for Big D to arrive,so that we could go pick cookie up.
Excited and at the same time I know I'm gonna have a big responsibility to bear now.
Cookie has been a really energetic pup today,got him down to town due to my interview.
He hasn't stopped moving till just now that he's finally,I repeat FINALLY fast asleep.
All I can say is,he has been wonderful this 6 hours I had spent with him.
I think Joey is in love with him too,so is Big D? Haha. &Thank you Big D for being Chauffer for the day! (:
Maybe I'll get a video of him one day,to show you guys how UNSTOPPABLE he is. Haha.
Hopefully he'll be good tonight,Joey and ZZ will be over to see him again tomorrow!
&also maybe Jobaby,someone's turning 18 in three days! Egccited? Heehee.
I'm so exhausted only after 6 hours with that little monster,but its all worth it?
Like Vic said. To see him look at you,with those little innocent puppy eyes. Just melting. (:
Alright,Imma go sleep very soon tonight. Totally drained out. I love you cookie.
And also Joey. I know she's smiling now,right beside me. Haha. Luvluv all lah kkkk. (L)
So goodnight everyone, (S)

I'm so easily emotionally attatched to anyone&everything.


eugenia said...

haha your dog got the same name as 1of my dogs too:>

Rachael Pong said...

Haha really! Chocolate Cookie! (:

eugenia said...

ya!:) but mine is husky,all white in colour.so i just called it cookie?cute right the name?

Rachael Pong said...

Haha Huskies are very pretty! (: yes,haha like my cookie. heehee.

eugenia said...

haha i agree! But fierce leh my husky.

Rachael Pong said...

Yeah Huskies are fierce but they are really fun too! (:

eugenia said...

hehe agree!:>