I'm suppose to be uploading the video for my trip to Batam,but I'm guessing windows movie maker and vimeo has decided to be a bitch to me cause first of,windows movie was lagging as fuck,now I've to wait 1 over hour just to upload the video at vimeo. But I'm pretty sure if I uploaded it with blogger it might take longer? Anyway the happy thing about today is,I've finally found and ordered the shoes I've been looking for! Okay,maybe imma tad bit slow about that pair,but at least I found it! I need to start saving money,seriously. NO MORE SPENDING GEEZ? Anyway spent the weekends with my dearest boy,longest weekend I've ever had with him. Besides I think I've spent the most lovely week this week ever since I came back,met up with @Jodionne,finally,that cave girl. Didn't get many pictures cause I obviously was stupid enough to leave my memory card at home? Met Beepsy up to get my nails covered with a little black shatter for just $3 at FEP! Cheap much.

Tadahhhhhhh~ Alright,then I spent the other night with Boyf and company at Downtime to play some LAN and then I stayed over to spend an unusual night in Jerrel and Zach's room. HAHA quite special,prawned on Friday night with @Jodionne,Jess,Kiefer and Sheriberry. Stayed at Boyf's place again to wait till he goes to work at 6,Sunday was spent entirely with the boy. I loved my weekends. OH&YES! My television is finally here and now I can't wait for the airconditioner to be installed,then my room would be 101% perfect for living and lazing and having a mini party for any occasion. Just wait till I get my room alil more neatened up...
5:13 am , and my video just got uploaded. Right now,I've to wait another half hour to get it converted. Seriously,Vimeo. Need an alternative uploading website,which is more efficient than this.
5:44 am and finally,the video is up. Alright guys,imma crash now. Eyelids are like closing.
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