8:31 am. Sunday morning,waiting for mumsie and daddy-o.
Hi all,since I have the time for now shall do a little short update with words.
So my weekends were pretty fun,like real fun. (:
Thanks to all who came down on Friday to visit,that was really nice!
So worked Cine on Friday with Samantha Tan Puipui and caught step up 3!
Which was the sickest movie ever,of THE centuary! \m/
Yesterday was at BonitoChito's Birthday party at Zirca with Ginger for Marble slab,
back to shop then after,with hell loads of stuffs to help out with,sucha busy day!
And for today,marble slab again. AND! I just bid goodbye to 1000 bucks last night,
thanks to mum for the very important news. ): Alright,shall head off now for church!
Morning everyone!
Morning everyone!
Taste everymoment, and live it out loud.
More than a name,or face in the crowd.
I'm starting to really wonder,whats with the world.
I'm starting to wonder,what ever was happening back then.
&Now I really wonder,why did everything even started.
Gave in to love&Watched all the bitterness burn.
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