Cookie cookie boy, ):
Hihihi. Back from work,which was totally awesome as usual.
Finally done with the cake orders! &Step up 3D is tomorrow!
Imma eggcited,I think I can't sleep! but I still will,cause I'm drained!
Alright,gonna be back for lessons on Saturday! I need to start bucking up. ):
Shall head to bed for now,my eyes are officially closing and giving up on me.
Goodnight all! Sleep well,hopefully.
&the other day at marble slab,

Closing was so much fucking fun. (:
I want eat leh): got free one? LOL
Who ask you don't come down and eat. This one not Yoghurt hor FREE ONE.
Marble Slab still hiring?? How much per hr!(:
Hey! 5.50 pr hour,but they're not hiring at the moment!
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