Something to start with,
Best Message of 2009.
They love you but they're not your lover,
They care for you,but they're not your family,
They're ready to share your pain,but they're not in your blood relation.
They are Friends,
Who scolds like your dad,
Cares like your mum,
Teases&Irritates like a Sibiling,
&loves you more than a lover.
From Melanie Sim Shi hui,@2.11 am in the morning.
From Melanie Sim Shi hui,@2.11 am in the morning.
Melanie,love you lah. <3
Webcamed with Houster Phua in the morning,
she wanted to show me her hair look like ghost.
Yes,look like ghost okay,look like ghost.
The One before and the one after.
Houster's cousin super cute,to the max.
Alright,I is struggling with art now,
i don't know how to start,like the paper damn big.
Scares me even to look at it.
Bb's coming over later i think,
going to have frolics,and send phone for repair,
and then head to dinner. Niceee.(:
Headed to school in the early afternoon with Mama,
to get her board from Ms Teh's homeroom.
Back to her place to put down her stuffs,
then to Taka art friend to get my things,
Met up with K,
went to Cine to check out Movie timings,
Heeren to get my ball,damn cheap like 4.50 only.(:
Hp you is the best.
Went to FEP to get chippies,and Subway.
Caught Monsters VS Aliens with BB,Jomama,K&Keon.
Met BB&Keon at Cine,movie till 9plus.
Send Jomama off to train station,
poor girl gotta go home early cause of house alarm. LOL
Accompanied Keonie to have her dinner,
headed to Gardens to get bb's frolic,but closed. HAHA
Then homed.(:
Pleasant day,i likeeeee.
Ohoh,He is clean boy,i likeeeee. (Jo must say together with me! :D )
Outing tomorrow with my darling girls,
Headed to school in the early afternoon with Mama,
to get her board from Ms Teh's homeroom.
Back to her place to put down her stuffs,
then to Taka art friend to get my things,
Met up with K,
went to Cine to check out Movie timings,
Heeren to get my ball,damn cheap like 4.50 only.(:
Hp you is the best.
Went to FEP to get chippies,and Subway.
Caught Monsters VS Aliens with BB,Jomama,K&Keon.
Met BB&Keon at Cine,movie till 9plus.
Send Jomama off to train station,
poor girl gotta go home early cause of house alarm. LOL
Accompanied Keonie to have her dinner,
headed to Gardens to get bb's frolic,but closed. HAHA
Then homed.(:
Pleasant day,i likeeeee.
Ohoh,He is clean boy,i likeeeee. (Jo must say together with me! :D )
Outing tomorrow with my darling girls,
&babies in the evening. (:
What an exciting day worzxzx.
I likeeeeee. hahahaha.
What an exciting day worzxzx.
I likeeeeee. hahahaha.
Because friends are the ones,
who knows the song of your heart,and can sing it back to you,
when you have forgotten the words.
&will be there to catch the sky for you,when it falls.
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