What hurts the most,was being so close.
Having so much to say,then watching you walk away.
I am suppose to be sleeping now. Insomnia,you need to leave me far far away.
I'm sick of not being able to sleep every night,
sick of having tears to get me through the rough night.
I'm tired,so fucking exhausted. I.just.want.to.be.happy. Why is it so difficult?
I need to find my life back. Little Miss Sunshine,come back asap.
On a brighter note,I'm meeting Bear this Thursday! (:
Okay Imma go force myself to fucking sleep.
Goodnight sweethearts. (L)
Oh yes! Happy 19th Birthday Clayman Mason Ng, yesterday (its pass twelve)
& today Happy 3rd Birthday my sweetest little darling,Girlie. (:
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