Sweetest,little darling.
Many Happy Birthdays today,or should I say yesterday since its past twelve.
Happy Birthday to Sean Ng,you're twelve&getting older don't be a pain anymore. (:
Also,Happy Birthdays in advance to Girlie and Clayman.
Celebrated Girlies Birthday at Baby's aunts house today. Fun&such a warm family.
Met Trixie for the first time,her name is so pretty. So pretty much enjoyed all the awesome
good food her aunts make,they are all such great chefts. Blueberry pie,salad wraps. (Y)
Time check,2:36 am. I should head to bed now,church tomorrow morning again. Fml.
Came across something that hit me last night,that sometimes there are just certain people
in your life,certain memories of your life you're never going to forget. Even the smallest,
&littlest things can trigger those memories. The fun,laughters,the best times of your life.
've Never felt like this before. Pricks,in the heart everynow and then. Fucking the 6th soon,
don't even know why I can't carry on properly and perfectly like before. Affected easily,so much.
Improvements everynow and then,but I guess they're never enough. This time makes getting
through so much more difficult. or rather,it felt less easier than before. What was going through
my mind all day long,before I met you? Before,I knew you. Before,everything in my world
was about you. Never felt so tired,in my fucking 18 years of life. I'm so exhausted.
Tiring myself out,what bloody advices? I tell others,yet I'm not preaching what I said.
How ironic.
"I can be your hero baby,
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you,forever.
You can take,my breath away.
How it used to be,how I lost my mind."
Do you even know. How exhausting this would be?
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