Because every soul will find,another soul to love.
Finally attended lessons today after resting for 3 weeks,
Lessons were pretty much good today,stamina dropped though. Need to buck up!
Pirouettes,Grand jeté,Soutenu en tournant,Saut de chat,
Entrechat,Développé&Allegro/Grand Allegro. &Of course,dance studies.
Important components I need to strengthen on. Shall go hammer my demi pointe later.
Due to examinations,they even changed the flooring,but the leather smell is so damn strong.
&my diet ballerinas decided to switch off the air-conditioner while practicing,
made the air so stuffed. lolAnyway,I think I shall go soak my feet in warm water
and go sleep now. Body ache much. So Goodnight world,
hope everyone will sleep with a peace of mind. Cause my mind isn't.
Give me endless summer,Lord I feel the cold.
Rest assured my Angels,will catch my tears
walk me out of here,I'm in pain.
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