To my Dearest Daddy Pong,17/09/09
Its your big big day today! (:
I wish you,to be always happy,
i know i annoy the shit out of you,
and get on your nerves every single day,
but nonetheless i still love you very much! (:
For all that you've done for me all these while,
i appreciate them all,and i thank you for everything i have.
Love you Daddy Pong,For all your stupid Jokes,and lameness.
That keeps this family,always smiling and laughing after all those quarrels.
Happy Sweetest Birthday♥ Xoxo,Hugs and kisses.
Love Rachael.
act fillial only.
your such a big bully big time.
and ur bf is ugly.
I think you're ugly too bitch/basterd!
HAHAHAHA! O.o is so childish!
I can't stand laughing at you!
No ballzx! (:
People filial to parents you jealous is it?
Don't come here and make a fool of yourself.
Throw face only, disgusting.
May i know what's the issue of being filial? does it even concern you?? Don't discriminate people's bf and take a look at yourself instead!
Oh man, O.o says everything about yourself! A big and small eyes. Hey, if you don't know Rachael then don't comment anything alright? So what if her bf is ugly and so what if he is not? Your boyfriend or HERS?
I totally despise people like you, who tag without names. No guts? Oh man, i suddenly suspect that you are someone who takes her unwanted stuffs! HAHAHAHA
rachael! who you bully? :P
LOL! are you some loser around the street nothing to do ? hey, i don't know you're a girl or a boy OR a BUTCH ? lol . you can continue =D And if you have the guts to say so much rubbish , come find me ? =D don't be a keyboard warrior .
Oh ya ... i'm ugly .. thanks man ! you're so god damn pretty or handsome . really... you're PERFECT! omg can i be your friend ?
For your info ... we won't entertain you . If you want us to do so , you can let us know who you are so i myself will entertain you 24/7...
why i say u act fillial?
look @ da way u behave in public.
such a disgrace.
PLz do not wear an IJ uniform this way. do u even know how to clothe urself properly ? the belt all e way t ur private part. uniform so short. not enough $$ to buy a bigger size one or who r u trying to seduce?
If u love ur dad will u woulodnt behav such a way in e public-laughing loudly in thepublic, wearing a beautiful uniform in disgrace.
By the way, i dont need a bf.
i am a guy and i have enouh boy friends;-)
wow 0.o got so many people aginst her.let me help her out.
rachael pong u r 1 stupid chao ahlian. u call others one, but u urself is 1.
Rachael you chao ah lian? :p
B.T.W :
Rachael uh rachael.
tell me why you chao ah lian.
you chinese and hokkien very good meh?
please lah! i better than you lor.
ai yaa, people got balls will say to your face one. no need scared! come come,i sayang you.
and to *funny eyes :
what has behaving in public got to do with filial piety? More like you are the chao fuck, dont know what english words mean. tsk tsk tsk. come lah, i tutor you for free.
LOL! He's a guy yet no balls to say it out to ur face. No balls man. Please grow some BALLS to make you look like a MAN. tsktsk! People uniform short, u jealous? Ha, den u must be those guys looking for NERDS! If u're looking for those Girls with LONG LONGGGGGGG uniform as if like a mop, Wrong channel thank you. (:
Rachael, I think he STALK you everyday. STALKER. How on earth he know how u behave in public when you dun even know who's he? HAHAHAHA!
LOL o.o you can continue and carry on . you're a guy yet bullying a girl. what a good guy. grow up. if you have the balls said it infront of her face and not commenting like some loser behind computer .
fcuksnap. Tsk tsk.
That guy must a someone with big round geek specs, hair center parking. With his long dirty fingers nails typing all this shit here. Go masturbate on your keyboard faggot. Dun be a gay, dun stay at home and be a keyboard warrior. Get a life. Your parents must have died when you are young so you can be filial. Poor you. Ghost festival just end. Your parents got come back visit you or not? douche.
Ohmygawd what the fuck just happened man. Anyway I burst out laughing when O.o's url is rachaelpongsucks.blogspot.com
I think his is ohmygawdmyeyesarenotofuniformshapeandiamsibehfilialcosisuckmymomspussy.blogspot.com
..l.. eat this, pootard.
Thanks for laughing so hard at that one,i wanted to change my URL to that,Dead serious. (:
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