With Dearest Asshole. (:
Met up with Asshole today!
Supposingly to watch my G.I Joe,but what the fuck,no slots.
So walked down to Cathay to check,but then again,no.
Met Kelliwu and Yuemin at Starbucks,Study Keeds. LOL
Asshole and i went to Bens and have Ice-Cream! (:
Thanks ass for the treat! Though in returned,she spammed the cam.
So chilled there for awhile,then went back down to find kelliwu,
after send asshole off around 5 plus,accompanied Kelliwu to Ps,
Then met up with my Darling Adeline! (:
To sum it up,today was an Awesome day. Great there's school tomorrow,
still Mounting Board-ing,so Bai! Goodnight.

is the person named 'asshole (by you)' ur gf? i mean attched to her? =) she looks so familiar...
Nope she isn't,and i'm not attatched to her. LOL,
maybe you've seen her somewhere. (:
yup, i think i've seen her somewehre.... hmmmmmm....
btw.are u attached now? my guy friend asked me to ask u, coz as i was viewing ur blog, he came askin me 'so good looking! is she attached? is she?!!?!!' -.-
so sorry abt it. its alright if it's too personal to answer.
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