Thursday, October 18, 2012

White Rabbit,

It's Wednesday night / Thursday morning for some of us! Therefore for Joey and I,its a every Wednesday routine for running and crashing my crib,cause apparently only I can push her and control her diet for her own good , SINCE , she wants to go on a diet and slim down , according to her. Spent the night running downstairs in my garden,this time she did fairly good, 14 minutes plus plus without stopping,we're trying for 20 mins next week! So today I spent the day home packing my so called pig sty cause its so messy I would drown in the endless abyss of mess. Its now feeling so clean and fresh! So happy with it cause not only its neat,I've finally hanged up my "My little Ponies" set the boy got for me up on my wall! Today is day 4 , counting down 39 days to his return! Which would also , at the same time be airing "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" ! Excited yes?!

Then I was telling beeps , that since Gabriel has flown to Wallaby,I've been spending more money instead of saving. &She told me its retail therapy. HAHA Anyhow! Today is a really good day for me cause I've done all the work on my To-do list today.

  • Pack my room 
  • Go running with Joey 
  • Have dinner with mummy
  • hang up my pony set 
  • binge eat on rubbish nonsense and watch PLL

I really enjoyed my day,so I hope you guys enjoyed yours too! I am now going to continue binge eating on my unhealthy snacks. Goodnight sweethearts, X

Also! Catch Joey and I speed eating Pizza Pretz!

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