Its a "Hall Pass" week for the boy AND myself. Since we caught the show yesterday,I believe we need one ourselves too. A week till Saturday night for him to be with his friends and for me to,continue being with mine? Well the hall pass only applies at night,as for the first half of the day,it doesn't.
So,today met up with Joey,Sheri and Ballzie with the boyf for dindinz at Vivo city's pasta mania. Cause I went over to their flash and splash's outlet to get my long awaited,thinking twice if I should get,hesitation much key holder. Which I've finally decided to cause my keys are in a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mess.

Right so I got this new baby of mine and we decided to catch the movie "limitless". Which was a rather OKAY show. I don't really know how to watch such shows so ya,we wanted to go with everyone's "bieber fever" and catch "Never say never" but,decided that we should go ahead with the action movie first. Headed over after to meet my dearest Beepsy up while boyf went off for his hall pass night. Stayed till like 3? and she tempted me with this crispy fried vegetarian snack,and now? I've completely lost my voice. Like really,I can't speak at all,not even the sexy voice people get when they have sore throat. Mine doesn't make no fucken sound. Damn it. ): But yes,did I mention about the surprise gift boyf got me the other day from the Denim Store? The lovely cheap monday's bag in the above picture!
Me : Omg the cheap monday bag? Why you buy this?
Boyf : Cause I see your bags all always very heavy.
(L) he gives me absolutely no reason why I should be mad at him for more than 1 hour,its not long really. Its really short to be honest.
Is it normal for guys to bug their girlfriends to open their present once they give it to them,even if its in the middle of nowhere??? Well,he did. HAHA,he keeps telling me he used the bag to keep his dirty clothes. LOL alright I guess I'll head to bed now,my voice is gone I think its a sign of body breakdown! I'll have to start sleeping early from today!!!!! Goodnight sweeties,have a good Tuesday ahead. (L)
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