Hello Tuesday,

So its back to school for a few of you. &As for me,back to work. This has been truly the best new year I've ever celebrated. Sadly,happy times are about to end and we all have to go back to doing whats important to us. Registration for school has started and yes,its time for me to head back to my studies again. Today has been wonderful,or should I say yesterday since its pass twelve. Caught "Mr&Mrs Incredible" the night before with Boyf,crashed his place for the night and over to Joey's place after,headed out for lunch and off to pick boyf from school. Back to Nex,had dinner and all headed back to my place. Boyf's soundly asleep now,I'm not sure if he's mumbling anything or he even knows what he's saying right now,HASHBROWNS? Haha alright,I think I'll go get him some food to eat. Goodnight guys,have a great Tuesday ahead. (:
It seems like,I can never leave you aside.Anymore.
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