&for making it an awesome one.
Though somehow you guys know,mine sucked at the very first. (:
Love you all. <3
Dylan Liang Yiwei,The No.1 of my life.
Hey you!My sweetest Boy,silliest one&my most Favourite one. (:
Thank you for making the last few months of my 2009 a beautiful one,
For stepping into my life,for making that change in me,for being there when I was at my worst.
You're working right now and its gonna be a really hectic night for you till early morning,
&Honestly speaking you've been on my mind 24/7. I fucking miss you,yes. <3
I love you truckloads favourite one,Love you so,so much. Thank you Baby,Hugs and kisses.
You have been awesome,really really awesome. (L)
Most importantly,I know I've been repeating this,but thank you so very much,for loving me.
Lets keep this going years down the road Love,
cause I want all these beautiful moments to last and to never fade away.
Jo Dionne,
You! This girl,my favourite girl. (: Thank you for being by my side,
No matter what happens,for everything and anything.
Our friendship has become closer,we bonded more through the months,
Closer we'd become and now my Jo baby. I love you girl,you know it.
One,i'll never choose to let go. Lets stay this way,till a long time down the road.
Stay Strong with Zehzeh,you both will make it,i can see. (:
Irene Tan,
&how we'd come this far,to be this close as friends. (:
Thank you so much,for being there at my lowest times early this year,
For always giving me good advices&the listening ears. You have been really great,dear friend.
Hope you'll be happy in love with your new loved one,its been awhile since you had this(:
Have a great 2010 Asshole. (L)!
Roxanne Wee,
Hello Dearie,i don't know how i should say this,but i'd never expect us to turn out this well. (:
Thanks for the wonderful last few months in SJC,You know you've been a really wonderful friend&Baby,for always talking sense into me,let me know where my flaws are,where i went wrong. Gosh,i've no idea how life would be like when you leave for Aussie. I'm definately gonna miss you,a hell lot. Please come back,as often as possible. &also for Playing "Aunt Agony"
just to try cheer me up when i was down,tried to be like her,did work well eh? haha. (:
Anyway Babe,lets keep this friendship going even after you leave. Love you. <3
(&i love Girlie too! ) =x haha.
Rachel Zhou,
ZTB! Hugs from you are always awesome,i think i've been repeating alot of this,
but i'd like to say again,thank you so so much for being there whenever possible. (:
For telling me you'll pick me up when i fall,for telling me no matter the pain,
you'll go through it with me. Ztb,i can never express how much i appreciate it all,
So once again,thank you for everything. Love you k!
Hi you idiot,i still love you though you irritate the fuckin shit out of me.
Douche haha,kay kidding lah. Your calls every night never fail to make my day,really. (:
I'll be there when you need me,just like how you'd be there when i need you.
This friendship has been great,thank you dearie. For showing how much you cared for me. <3 Luvchu lah.
Victoria Wee,
You this woman,i don't know what to say about you man. You indeed made art less boring.
You're the sunshine of art lessons,with all your stupid nonsense,for making art this year less stressful,though it fucking was! Haha. Anyway,stay loving with Dad alright. (:
Less quarrels with him in 2010 uh! No more quarrels in fact! haha. Love you crazy girl.
Hi Dad you too uh,thanks for listening when i needed someone too.
My Great mum and Dad. (: LOL
Melissa Tan,
Hi bb,we've come a long way through ups and downs.
A period of total silence from each other. A period of seperation,
But you still played a part in my 2009 and we definately had happy times. (:
Hope you'll have an awesome 2010. (L)
Joey Lau,
I don't have a nice picture with you! ):
Anyway,through all those quarrels and hating each other through the years in SJC,
We'd turn out like this,as friends in the end. (: It really means something,
And i hope we'd never be that childish against each other anymore,
With love,Rachael. (: &Yes,ZZ wang too! For letting me get to know Meimei,haha that adorable girl,yes for always accompanying Joey over to my place to accompany me when i'm bored. (:
Thank you for being a friend this 2009. (:
Keon Teh,
You idiot,i have never taken a photo with you! Sucker.
But anyway,Bearrrrrr,like i always say you're the best bear one could ever ask for. (:
Though i only know you this year,but you've been so great,as a friend,
as an advisor,as a listening ear and the one who would always stand by me,
and would do anything to help me or cheer me up. (: Love you bear,
Thanks for everything.
Clayman Ng,
Hi Zehzeh,i bet you didn't expect this. LOL!
But anyway,you did play a part for being an awesome SISTER! (:
So i have to thank you,for advising me on certain things i wasn't sure of,
Telling me to smile whenever i was upset,
and yes for keeping me company with Jojo the other day,when i was so down. (:
Oh yes! and our weird bowling session. Haha.
Anwyay,You've been great. Continue loving Jojo okay,I know you'll treat her well.
&yes,she's a lucky girl and so are you a lucky boy. With love,Rachael. (:
Alright Hi guys,its 2.25 am now,Baby has approx 4 hours more to go.
work hard k baby! love you. And i have church at 830 tomorrow FML.
Gonna be super tired,mum threw away my beloved bolster,i am upset.
Can't sleep now but will try to. So with love,Rachael.
Hope all you dearies out there,will have an awesome 2010. <3
Those i've missed out,don't worry k. I love you all the same.(:
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