I know this is gonna sound so silly but I'm alr as silly as it is anyway.
I don't know if this is gonna work out but I really want it to. I need to be determined.
Now I only have 7 days accordingly. This is the last shot I get,its the last time.
&I lost my darling little miss sunshine! )': Please come back,I deperately need you.
Urgh,by the end of those 10 days,I must find Little Miss Sunshine&you.
Hopefully I do. Sounds so much like a Mission,Impossible. no? ): sigh.
Don't know if you'll ever come by this page,
But this is something I wanna share on blogger&for you.
Cause I guess Sunshine wants you to know too.
Its alr posted on livejournal,just in case you didn't go there,its here.

I'm sure you remember this little sunshine of yours whom you told me,
you were taking over (: and he pretty much misses you.
He wants you more than me I guess.
So Sunshine told me this,2 Sundays back.
"Rachael Jiejie,how come D korkor so long never come and play with me? "
"D korkor may not come over again. =/ You miss him huh?"
"Why? He busy working is it? Ya,I miss him alot alot. =/ "
"What if he don't come over again? ): "
"No jiejie,I know D korkor is busy working. (: he will come when he is free! "
"&When he comes over,I want to show him my Doremon family,
the Doremon he give me not lonely alr :D"
Heard him? he melted my heart with those sentences.
I've learned to believe the way he does it,natural optimism takes over.
&I'm not leaving for anywhere,not leaving you. My truely right one,is you.
Don't give up so fast,after fighting so hard. Its silly. I thought I was silly but so are you.
God wants me to know today,that love has no boundaries.
For Love is unconditional,or there is no love.
What's your msn add? Can I add you up?!<:
Not for now I guess,I'm sorry.
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