That your warmth,is crashing down on in,
That I'm by your side,didn't I tell you?
Work this whole week,crazy much. Body aches! But there's still fun, (:
Ever tried,working and shopping at the same time? Thats how crazy it is,haha.
Getting crazy customers everyday,getting funny complaints
and spend half your day,Hanging clothes. (Y) Yeap,warehouse sales!
Awesome sales,but! Most of the clothes are like,whatever. Hope we'll replenish the stocks soon.
Gosh,works getting so tiring. Everyone's starting to work,Love's on night shift. ):
I'm down Tues to Sun,Christmas is this month! Everybody seems busy,
rahhhhh,i think i shall go to bed naow. I HAVE TO FACE THE WARZONE TOMORROW.
Its the weekends,more crazy customers,spending more time,hanging more clothes.
Alright,Goodnight Dearies <3 you all.
Fuck moodswings,fuck it that i get on people's nerves,
fuck it that i upset people,fuck it that i'm feeling superb fuckedup now.
Just fuck my life okay. I suddenly miss,a hell lot of people. ):
Hold on to me,
&never let me go.
Hi pong babyyy miss you love.
Hi Zhou babyyy! Miss you too love. ):
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