I'd like to make myself believe,that planet earth turns slowly.
Its hard to say,that i rather stay awake when i'm asleep,
cause everything is never the way it seems.
Dear Blogger,i'm back!(: Today's the 21st December,which marks,no more work from today on!
I finally get to lead the "sit home&rot,while baby works extra hard =x" life. LOL
Alright,i'm suppose to head out to meet Jobaby,Zeh and all later on,plus baby! (:
Yay for me,cause Baby's off today! I don't have to be lightbulb today no moreeeeee.
Awesome much! and besides,its been a long time,since i last had a proper outing w Love.
Urgh,all cause of work. ): But well,the good times are coming back!
Cause i don't have to work,and that means more time with Love! <3
Christmas is so 4 dayzx away,urgh hihi! Can you tell me what you want?
So i don't have to stress head over heals to think of what to get you guys =/
Darn,its gonna rainrain again! Hate it when it rains,
It doesn't match my mood today,cause i feel happy today (:
Well well,I hope that Silly pig wakes up soon! so we can go out!
You can't imagine how wide i'm smiling right now,while typing all these. heehee.
Its been so so so so so so so so long,since i last went out like this!
But this makes me happy,(: Damn,now i can't stop smiling.
Off to have lunch now,before Jobaby texts me,&Before Baby wakes up! Baizx!

This boy,i love. <3
Cause Baby you know,nothing in this world could replace whatever we have,now. (:
&how I could never emphasize enough,how happy am I to be in your life
&for you,to be in mine. See you later,my favourite one. ♥
The picture naize! (Y)
Haha Baby! I know sial,is DAMN nize.Thank me and my photo editing skills. Plus,random thoughts. (Y)
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