The only one there for me,forever.
My sweetest Bear Bear(:
Today was a super cool day yo!
Crab feast with Spaghetti,was AWESOME. :D
Alright churched in the morning as usual,
and ballet later on in the morning (:
Home with Big feast,and great to have all cousins home today too.
Caden was super cute today,he came along with mum and dad,
to pick me after lessons,my sunshine (:
Adina cute right cute right?haha.

So now you see,I'm attached to BB Tan. (:
HAHA,so kewl right.
I just remembered,Jiemuitong.HAHAHAHA.
Okay so yesterday was a total fun day too,
apart from oralllllllllllllll,screws up everything!
So yesterday headed to the new sengkang pool with Meis and Melanie Dear(:
Omg,the slide was ultimate fun,i must bring babies there someday too!
Funfunfun,alright and we saw___ there too. LOL
so,ruined the entire day.
After headed to macs for lunch,and headed off to china town to meet dad.
had long nice talk with Meis before that.Thanks Meis (:
Tuition was so omg,sian.
Damn pain and red,i'm so sad now. :(
Somebody,Handsome and also cute right? haha LOL
Hope to see you soon hor!you still owe meeeeee hahaha.
Alrighties,i shall be back to blog again,omg.
Tomorrow is monday again,like damn sad.
Heeeeees,*smiles wide.
Okays,I'm leaving for now.
Byebye. (:
Say it again for me?I would,for you.
I really do,miss you. =/
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