Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nothing ever stays the same, nothing quite like love.

To love is to let go. 

I've probably heard this a thousand and one times. But sometimes, it's just so hard. Knowing what's right and the best for something or someone. 

Many times I've come across a situation when making the wrong decision is harder than making the right one. How do we determine what's the better option?

Lately my mind has been flooded with thoughts. Just too much thoughts. 

Seeing the person you love in so much pain really kills you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, your smile is the best thing to wake up to and everything else in my day. 

I only promise never to hurt you and be ever so thankful I found you. 

But sometimes I can't help but think you deserve so much more, so much more than just me. 

I am nothing pretty, nothing sexy, nothing in fact. Many times I just wished I was enough. The best I could ever be for you because you deserve someone that could be their best for you. 

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