4th May 2011,currently 2:14 am.
Caught "THOR" today with the boy,pretty good show for Marvel comics. So many marvel show's now,coming soon also "X-men - Before he was Magneto he was Eric." (I don't know if Magneto is spelled like that?) Can't wait! F&F 5 will be out in one more day,another show to the "Must catch" list. So I spent the early afternoon with the boy today,which made us think it was actually 9 in the night cause we'd usually catch shows at night. IT WAS 3 IN THE AFTERNOON,HOW OFTEN IS THAT WHEN WE REALLY GO OUT EARLY? SELDOM/NEVER. HAHA so well,I met up with Joey to collect her abandoned bb charger at MBS and we finally found the way to walk there,okay perhaps we're really really slow. Anyway we had astons for dinner cause Joey decided to treat me dinner cause she made me wait SO DAMN LONG >:( Dinner was really good,I guess the girls really made my night too like what beeps said. Alright I shall turn in soon,my eyes are like closing halfway and giving up on me already. Goodnight guys,Happy Wednesday!
Perhaps its true,I've changed to realize sometimes I don't even recognize myself anymore.
Lucky you to get to go to the movies at 3 in the afternoon! Smf I wish I could! & Thor, F5 & X-men look really good too! :)
Haha it was just a lucky day when we woke up early thats why! Yeah,they're looking really good,so excited to catch them! (:
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