Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sunny mornings,

Happy Thursday everyone! Spent the weekends at Gabby's , basically ice cream, food, eating and alot of sleeping. I really don't get how lazy we can be, its .... ridiculous. Lol I think we'd rather forgo the food just to have more sleep. Also, brought the little furball for walks cause gabby had to stay home to look after the place as they had people over servicing their air-conditioners. 

Also if you noticed, Scottie's leg has a little red patch due to his constant nibbling , which I'm not sure why he does that. At first we knew it was the use of wrong shampoo, but after changing his shampoo he still nibbles on that part of his leg and the red-ness hasn't gone down, checked his skin also, there isn't fleas or whatsoever... Wonder if anyone knows the reason to his skin irritation? 

Well apparently, Scottie was too busy enjoying the scenery to be interested in a selfie of himself or any with me. I wouldn't blame him either, who wouldn't be busy with a bright sunny morning! Wish pebbles wouldn't irritate him, so they could go on walks together or perhaps stay in the same place together...


I lost track of time oh my god. I spent a good whole 2hours 45minutes on this ultimately short post.
"Ruse of engagement" obviously caught too much of my attention.

Also, I'm getting really sleepy. My eye bags and eyelids are dying for some beauty rest. Meeting the girls later for some girly appointment. Not something I'm actually really looking forward to, but what the hell, I've agreed to it. Again, I cannot believe myself over the stupid things I do....or rather I'd give and take in exchange for time with the girls. So Goodnight my little planet. Tomorrow will be a better day. X

"I've learned being happy just requires you to be contented. When you are contented, simplest things make you the happiest." - Thank you for making me so happy, like a flopping little bunny. (:

P.S I need a new portable handy cam. :/ Sponsors? hahaha

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