Friday, October 23, 2009

To hold my breath&Cross my fingers,

Angela Goh,

Happy sweetest 16th to you Dearest one,
Miss you tons,!
Much luvs,<3>

Science practicals today,i got the last two questions for chem correct.
Say hello to 2 marks for practical chem. loll
Finished around 130,compass for lunch with Ballzx&Some slight studying?
Went home and showered,out to meet my favourite boy,then tongtongs place.(:
Mussels weren't as good tonight,but still edible.
&Baby was being so nice today to peel all the prawn shells for us,
for easier consumption. Awesomely,Sweeeeeet. <3
Right so i'm home now stonning away infront of lappy. (Y)
27th is coming. HOHOHO.
K goodnight i'm leaving naowz,bai!

Because you invade my dreams,

camp out in the corners of my mind&occupy my heart. (:

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