Take a good look at Super berry,she sibei chio.
I like (Y) Heh she is super berry k,mai siao siao.
Chinese Listening Comphrehansion today,Not bad,i managed to pay attention¬ fall asleep.
Ry has been entertaining me during LC,i swear she is fucking retarded.
*does the wavy hand wave. LOL
& i swear upon my 3 fingers,that Esther Yeo Wei Xin tried to kidnap me today,
i almost died,I SWEAR. She tried to throw me off our school. -.-
She cursed me too flat the day before,and i went home to realise,i was kinda flat! _l_
FML i swear,& i am now restricted to one vulgarity a day,cause i almost died,
under someone's torture,which i don't have the stamina to fight back,will die.
Rachael is restricted to one vulgarity a day from now on,i shall be a good good girl,heh.
We have the Annoying Kid,Brainy kid,Hyper Kid,Downsyndrome kid,i forgot what Roxy was,
and i am the one and only,Vulgar kid. (Y) Thanks uh Jojo for the name.
But nonetheless,school won't be fun without these annoying ones. (:
So after LC headed to Rm with Zhouzhou,Marilyn&Jose to rm to eat,
then over to Sheri's place to mess around,funfun!
Indian Poker,muderer. HEH
Keon is living in a world of her magical pony's and Unicorns around her,
with her Bear beer bottles floating in the air,HA! Keon stop dreaming lah,get out of your world.
Roxy is my 2 dollar Hero now,we african keeds in need. Cup noods for recess tomorrow :(
Luv African Buddy,she back me up cause ClaymoJiejie call me dog. BOO!
Alrights,i'm off to bed naow,Goodnightz. Luvluv!

Just sometimes we stop to think,have we gone through all these for nothing?
Everything seems to feel like a dream,that lasted only at that very beautiful moment.
"Swear upon three fingers?!"
walao i cannot wrestle with Esther,
Bo stamina sial. :(
HAHAAHA!I swear!
*Shows three fingers.
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