Today is monday,i went to school
i was a good girl,i had oral today,and i read all the words correctly.(Y)
Okays so i'm here to update my dying halfway blog,with photos! :D
So Firstly,
Happy First Monthsary to Vicbaby and Vincent Loser Yeo.
Last longlong,Luvs.
Happy Birthdays to Claymo Jiejie and Daniel Tokkkkk. (:
Alright so Sat went out with BB,Meis,Vicbaby and Loser Yeo.
Vivo for some shopping,and steamboat for dinner,
ate until can die of bloatedness.
Met up with Mk and Cindy For awhile too,(:
Went to Daiso for nothing,
and came back out,send meis off.
Went to PS to do nothing,
and went homeee.
Sunday went for Cosfest 2009,
like a fascinating uhh,Damn eye opening.
LOL,photos are with BB shall upload when recieved.
So met up with Roxy and KK at downtown,
Princess Princess KK and Bunny ears Roxy,
Sibei Cute,LOL like really.
What hot pants guy,and oh ya! They had gundam too,
plus this weird walking hunch back thingy,very creepy.
Silent hill nurses? -.- That is scary. Dragon Ball baby boy,
lots of Goldilocks,hahaha. But the pinkpink one was prettyyyy. (:
Wait one more, THE TWINS! hahahaha. Omg hot.
Rights,i'm gonna have dinner now,bai.

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