Last week has been a really good one, I would say. There were hard days, but I'll always have the never ending support from the people I love, to keep going on. Thank you, for everything. So I spent the last week as usual, on assignments, e-learning and well I got to teach the prettiest little girl I've met the entire week. Back to teaching, and I must say I've really missed it. Every time I step into class and I see a whole bunch of little kids, it really just keeps me going and I get reminded why I am so passionate about what I'm doing. It was so heartwarming to see the kids, look at you and smile and telling you they enjoyed class today, well maybe it was Disney's Frozen soundtrack, but I guess every kid loves to build a snowman right?
Also attended Ange's first solo performance by Funky Dance Academy. I am really proud of who she has become today, she's really amazing. Seeing more little kids performing, God I love my job so much. I'm just glad I've found a job that I'm so in loved with. Every time someone looks for a job, they'd always say find something you're interested in and something you'd love to do. Not everyone can be as lucky, but I'm lucky enough. Caught "Mortdecai" last week as well! It was pretty funny I guess, have been catching quite a few shows lately, but they were mostly horrendous. Finally something not as bad, well hopefully this week will be as good as the last. Although I must say I've had a crazy amount of Kuey chap last week, wanted to have some on Sunday night as well, but they were closed. Hopefully this week!
I know this page has been wordy, so here's some pictures to brighten up!
To one of the crazier nights at Zouk,

Happy Enlistment Jer, come out stronger.
"I hope you fall in love with someone who always texts back and never lets you fall asleep thinking you're unwanted. I hope you fall in love with someone who sees galaxies in your eyes and hears the music in your heartbeats. I hope you fall in love with someone who tickles you and makes you smile on hard days and on easy ones. But beyond all that, I hope you fall in love with someone who will never leave you behind and who will never take you for granted, someone who will stand by you when you're right and stand by you when you're wrong, someone who has seen you at your worst and has loved you still. I hope you fall in love with someone who kisses you in the rain and hugs you in the cold and wouldn't have you any other way."
It may not be everything, but I'm more than thankful.
Happy Tuesday. X
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