Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Be your everything,

Happy 3rd week of September everyone! The one week long holiday for Gabriel and I has officially passed. So the past week has been hectic! Impromtu photoshoots,dinner dates,hanging out,lollipop wednesday,classes which were rather productive! I was actually really happy with my pirouettes that night,for the very first time they were all so neat! And I mean the whole routine I managed to keep it neat! Glad to say I'm proud of myself for the very first time. Lollipop Wednesday with Beeps and Jillian last Wednesday was really good,I was actually really entertained by Jillian. Then Friday,had a photo shoot done with Beeps , will post up the photos once we've received them all and provided I didn't look stupid in them. Ha. I really don't have the talent for this,honestly I'm like an awkward little duckling there... But nonetheless I had a good fun time there. It was such an experience. Hehe thanks to Beeps. Also! It was one heck of a Mahjong marathon week. Countless nights I actually played , I don't even remember how many now. So well,I hope you guys have a good week,its Wednesday now! Stay strong the weekends are almost here! X

I'll be your shelter,I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver,I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather,Baby I'm yours
Be your forever,be your fling
Baby I will be your everything.

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