Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Love Story,

Met Behbeh yesterday for some shopping,
Well,she did hers (:
Got her heels,& She spent a hell lot of time choosing her size,
&Damn her feet are small.*laughs.
Went to get my chippy after,
OHOHOH,guess who i sawwwww ?!?!
ITS.......CHICKEN! :D (Huimin if you see this,LAUGH!)
haha,her Drastic pink dressing is seriously,Blinds me.
Bird Nest HEAD! :P
Anyway,we walked round finding behbeh's dress,
but nothing caught her eye.Yeah,NOTHING.
So took bus to Tampmall,Beh sure had fun! :D
Someone teach me the T shaped shuffle thing?
Hmm,Yes TP's arcade no DJJJ,fuck mans.
alrights,then decided to wait for Mr Neo to end work,
And bused home with behbeh,and Yellow top.
Headachee man,so went to bed early.

Morning got my card done (:
Then went to get my contacts yo! :D
haaaaa,and i'm going to b's house soon.
Byebye all (:

Christmas is so coming,I'm EXCITED! :D
yes i'm very excited,Presents (:


tabz said...

Jo Dionne said...

Hahahaha! i laughed to myself while reading this, '' Her drastic pink dressing seriously, blinds me.'' What a pink earthling.''attraction'' in town.:D

Rachael Pong said...

Didn't attract me lehs

Melissa said...

size 35 abit too small.
size 36 too big!jus

Rachael Pong said...

HAHA wth you talking uh behbeh. (: