I hate being home.
It just sucks,Yes alot.
Beh did her shopping yesterday,
didn't get my something special,
i'm a havoc kid,My baby is ultra mega ultimately cool now,
awwww,My Handsome baby?Ya it needs that something special also to make it,
DA BOMB :D Haha,alright yesterday something funny happend.
let me tell you what (:
We (baby,beh&i) were at cine,
beh needed to get her dress,
we walked towards blossoms,
she said she didn't feel like buying today,
i said she might not be in time to get it,
if she doesn't do it today.
&therefore,asking her to try on some,
at least she has a few in mind.
Beh : WALAO EH! YOU ALL VERY IRRITATING LAH,I SAID DON'T WANT ALR RIGHT!I'M GOING HOME NOW!(walks away really fast,vanished in the crowd)
baby runs after her,i take my time to walk.
So now,everyone in the right mind would think we're angry with each other.
We walked apart from each other,for quite awhile,almost reaching Ps.
B was trying to help us make peace.(she was like a toy) how funny (:
Before crossing over to ps,we made up.
This is how it happened.
B:what happened,you know she's like that one uh.
Me:Ya i know,i'm not angry with her.
Behbeh walks near me,
Me:you tell me why you angry?
Beh laughs.
Me:i walked away cause i needed time,TO AWAKE FROM MY SHOCK.
and give you time to cool down.
Beh said baby sucked at making peace for us,
HAHA.Okay we made up (:
End of story. :D
This is crazy,i have very explosive girlfriends. *opps.
yes,my something special today! :DDDDDDDD