Monday, December 30, 2013

I just wanna see the stars with you,

Sometimes we take too many things for granted, especially the ones we love.
Often than enough, we expect that they'll always be there for us, they'll always love us. &In return we just take whatever they do for us for granted.

We will only learn to appreciate and treasure the little things only when we know how easily we can just lose it.

This is probably the biggest and hardest lesson I'll learn in life, because I've taken too many things for granted. If you ever read this, you'll probably know this is for you. I don't know if you still come here to see if I type in this space. But I'd like you to know,despite how hard it will be I will endure it. Because its not so easy to just find someone who you'll do anything for and say "Its worth it."

I know I haven't been easy to be with and I'm not the perfect person. I just wish I can be the perfect one for you like you are for me.

I love you, all ways and always. X

"Its crazy how one person can affect you so much."

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